Black Author Secrets: How I Make $2,500+ in Book Sales Every Month! (The First Ever African American Guide to Selling More Books)
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Did you know that thousands of new books are released every year, and nearly 90% of them flop? Or that the average author only makes about $1,000 a year from his/her book? But not anymore!
Award-winning entrepreneur Dante Lee has published the first-ever African American guide to selling more books, and in this unique step-by-step guide, he reveals ALL of his secrets on how he personally is able to make $2,500 or more every month selling his own books!
In this 108-page book, Lee, who himself sells an average of 100 books or more per day, teaches existing and aspiring authors EVERYTHING they need to know so that they too can be more profitable and successful in selling their own books. He shares, not just his own personal knowledge and insight, but also his experience and proven techniques!
Download this AMAZING e-book to your computer, smartphone or tablet now!
The topics covered in the book include:
* Who I Am and Why You Should Listen to Me
* Understanding the Book Industry - Facts Vs. Myths
* What it Takes to Be a New York Times Bestselling Author
* What it Takes to Be a Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author
* What it Takes to Be a Amazon Bestselling Author
* How to Come Up with the Best Possible Title for Your Book
* How to Design the Best Possible Book Cover for Your Book
* How to Edit, Proofread, and Create the Best Possible Content
* How to Get Your Book Published
* How to Publish Your Book Yourself (and keep more profits)
* How to Create Your Own Online Book Store
* How to Actually Make Money from Your Book
* The Best Pricing Strategies for Your Books
* The Best Marketing Ideas for Your Book
* The Best Black Author/ Business Events to Promote Your Book at
* and much more!
The book also includes:
* More than 30 colorful images of some of the best-selling African American book covers
* Step-by-step instructions and snapshots on how to create your own online book store
* Amazing strategies, tips and techniques that publishers, book stores, and other successful authors would never share with you!
Plus as a bonus:
If you upgrade for just $2 more, you will also get free lifetime updates of this book, plus you'll get a copy of another e-book written by Dante Lee called "7 Killer Black PR Secrets: How to Get Your Story in Any African American Newspaper, Magazine, and Blog (What PR Firms and Journalists Will Never Tell You!)"
So what are you waiting for? Place your order now, and start making more money today as a profitable and successful author!
NOTE: This book is an ELECTRONIC BOOK ONLY available for download; It is NOT available in print!